I hope all of you in the U.S. had a wonderful holiday weekend filled with food and fun! Now it’s time to shop. : )
I’m offering 25% off on all digital patterns, TODAY ONLY—including all three Summer Sampler patterns—with promo code CYBER25! This is the best deal we’ve ever offered on the Summer Samplers! So head over to my shop to get yourself some deals: https://freshly-pieced-quilt-patterns.myshopify.com/discount/CYBER25. If you’ve been eyeing my Instagram-based Mega Quilt-Along (one Summer Sampler block per week now through next October), this is a great way to jump in!
My co-authors Katie of Swim Bike Quilt and Faith of Fresh Lemons Quilts are offering the same sale as me, using code CYBER25, so stop by their shops too. And don’t forget to check out Pattern Drop, Katie’s new pattern subscription service! A great way to get premium modern quilt patterns delivered to your in-box every month!
Now go get yourself some bargains.